Monday, February 25, 2008


I just died a little this morning...
Mueslirigel, Honig, Brot, Prosciutto Cotto, Soyamilch (endlich) und MUESLI!

well worth the 20 min hike and 20 catcalls.....
but why why why don't they accept credit cards?
I just gave my greek presentation and got an A!!!! I did not try to get an A ( my goal grades for this semester range from B- to C+) but damnnn it feels good to be a gangsta... I mean, get praised for a ppt presentation. And everyone else got A-'s hehee. But oh well. I actually have to write a 5 page paper for that same class now due the 5th.

It's monday once again and I've had one of the more exciting weekends. Friday we took a little trip to Piazza Armerina and Morgentina with Art and Arch. Morgentina is an excavated town that was settled in pre-Greek times. We mostly found random piles of rocks, and a couple of mosaics, a kiln and a theater. Piazza Armerina has a Roman villa with partly very well preserved mosaics, including the famous bikini girls in the palaestrum (the gym) of the villa. Bummer # 1: the majority of the villa was under restoration and blocked off. Bummer # 2: my camera's batteries died and I took one meager photo of a mosaic. But never fear, dear readers, I will steal some of Brie's pics and post them on webshots.
The busride there took 2.5 hours, and back 3.5 hours. I'm glad I took dramamine but I guess that's also the reason why I sleep like a baby on the bus and have no energy/eat like a pig during the field trips. Merrrr toss up :/
Saturday we took our bus to Mount Etna for some "fun in the snow"....luckily we left at 10 am, not in the ridiculous early hours. We went to visit the Lava Museum and then proceeded to a restaurant to have the most DELICIOUS meal ever. I'm talking antipasti times 10, 2 primi piatti with different pasta, mixed meats ( I had horse meat and it was very tasty... sorry!) The dessert consisted of cannoli (ricotta and chocolate) and marzipan cookies, followed by a strong espresso. I have never been fuller in my life! Luckily I wore three layers and a sweatshirt. hehe.
Two minutes after our meal (ever heard of siesta? no? ...) we were up on Etna, hiking up 400 m through slippery snow and extremely thin air. I brought two little pieces of Lava as souveniers (hey, they were free).... walking down was the funnest part, we decided to slide down the trail and at some point there were 5 of us holding hands and sliding down on our stomachs... pictures follow because the crazy German volcanology professor took them!
The last stop was an ice skating rink, where we skated for probably an hour and a half. All the italians there were constantly falling, and most of the people in our group didn't stay on their feet either.... hahhaa good times!

Sunday was a really nice day, sun and all, check webshots for the pics at the rocks!

Ciao a tutti!

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