Thursday, February 7, 2008


OK, so apparently the internet is working again... let's see for how long....
Carnevale was super fun, and I bought the carnevale food, sausage and mushrooms in a bun. The vino they gave us with that was gross... but oh well. Good times dancing to Disco music at the Piazza with all those Italians.

I could boast with de-regionizing our dvd player, but now it has issues and won't let dvds out of the tray ! grrrrr

I also bought the most recent Spiegel, and read it while eating Kinder Choco Fresh.... boo yeahh.

Fieltrip to some ecologicla shizzle tomorrow all day, and fieldtrip to Palermo with a probable stay over until sunday! I'll be exhausted after this weekend, and I have to read Hesiod until Monday. shikes..... I should have brought some motion sickness stuff for the bus trips (after the Catania trip almost did me in)... how do I ask for that stuff in a local farmacia? Hmmmm quando sono nella machina, non STO BENE .... quale potrei?

uhmm I think that's wrong..... :/ I don't want to order viagra in the end or some'n like that....

Palermo wird sicher lustig! Voll Ghetto und das Nightlife (dass es ja in Ortigia nicht gibt) soll super sein!

Sobald ich Zeit hab, kommen wieder Photos! Ciaoo

PS: WO sind comments?

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