Monday, March 3, 2008


Tourist season has officially arrived and our little island is being INFESTED with various groups of mostly European (English, German, Spanish mostly) and a few American turisti! Tourist-watching has become a competitive sport, and the girls of Via dein Tintori are on the varsity team. Luckily, the weather is cooperating and we've had the warmest day so far here. Finally, we can turn the bombola off (and we won't have to call the bombola guy, the sleazebag, again soon).
Increasing temperatures and willingness to do schoolwork are negatively correlated (obviously) and we spent most of the day lounging on the steps of PIazza Duomo (the main piazza in Ortigia), watching and judging tourists and Italians - mostly their styles and clothes. Red mid-high boots seem to be "in" now. For men, gold-metalic sneakers and shiny jackets are still a must, the real masculine will also wear glittery sneakers. But above all, everyone wears aviators. "I like his shades" is the probably most repeated phrase of the day!
We lounged on the steps in the sun for about three hours, got gelato (pistacchio and tartufo for me) and generally didn't do much. I have a 5 pager due on wednesday. I already wrote 2/3 of a page and downloaded 113 pages worth of information. I somehow doubt that this paper will compete grade wise with my "beautiful speaking voice" (hardehar) but I blame the weather. I'm in vacation mode, after all.
So I heard baja california is full of whales in march, that might be something to check out!
Next Friday I will embark on my lovely weekend trip to Munich, Home of Weisswurst, Hefeweizen, and Brezeln! I will also try to hit up Mueller and maybe maybe get some Schokomolke? With a limited supply of Soymilk, I need to get calcium. Slash maybe drop two poundes before bathing suit season!
We had a fun little "conversations with Italians" session the other day where I met my future mother-in-law. Kidding Kidding, but in any case, I was talking to two ladies who study English. One of them has two sons, 22 and 24, in law and cinema, who speak English but want to practice. They will be "home" from Rome during Easter and want to meet up with me. In any case, I want to score an invite to a real Sicilian dinner with a real Sicilian family. I mean, hellooo cultural connection! We'll see what I can do.
Ewww paper.... (I'm going to watch Sex and the City now...)


The bar next to the school apparently has undercover cops sitting around. The owner is either supposed to be terminated or the bar is supposed to be burned down.
Tsk tsk, that's what you get when you don't pay your protection money for the Emm-Ahh-EFF-IHH-AHH....... well I hope the school doesn't get burned down.

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