Tuesday, February 19, 2008

food, etc

Hello there,
I'm generally too lazy to go and get internet on weekends, but since I have a 10 min ppt presentation due for Greek on Wednesday. Ew, HOMEWORK?
After much frustration we told Ramzi (our housing coordinator/socccer team player) that our bombola "Caty" sucks. We pretty much turn on the gas and switch the thing on - and it still doesn't heat although there is a flame. And the apartment smells like gas. yuck! So anyways, Ramzi called the bombola boy (the gas can delivery man, he always has at least three of those things on the back of his vespa!) who came over quickly-ish and ended up giving us a new heater and bombola ("caty" is apparently old and needs to be cleaned)
In any case, meet "Bartolini":

This weekend we're going on a "fun in the snow" trip on MOunt Etna. This includes snowballfights, a Lava Museum and ice skating. I'm also excited for the Etna typical culinary adventures.
Speaking of food, I made delicious Fettucini with Salmon and mushrooms (in a creamy white wine sauce). Molto delizioso and very quick.
In the biggest supermarket (which is at the mall, where the buses don't stop ><) there is everything anyone would want. They even have oreos (bah) and skippy peanut butter. But screw the peanut butter, in the NUTELLA isle I found a pistacchio spread, which might be somewhat pricey at 4 euros, but probably worth trying... next time I go. Which will be as soon as we make friends with cars. Trying to hitchhike with grocery bags at the traffic circle in front of the mall is not fun, and won't be repeated. We were made fun of, and generally unsuccessful, until a Bus pickd us up that went half an hour into the outskirts all the way to eastbumf** Siracusa, and back. Well, at least we didn't have to walk back (we would have died, perhaps).
There is another mall with does have a busstop. We're going to scout it out and I'm praying that it will have the same big walmart-like supermarket. Otherwise we'll have to keep buying food at the Conte, which is more of a Tante Emma Laden with little variety. I did get Monte von Zott there today though ;)
As I'm speaking of food (stay on topic ;) I guess there is this "cold chocolate" that is really frothy and creamy, and a must-try. It's probably better to eat myself through the entore spectrum of pastries instead of just going for Cannoli, my all-time favorite.

I don't eat 24/7 though, never fear. There is plenty of time to walk around/sit in class too.

I have a midterm in ecosystems and -ohhh- that presentation in Greek on wednesday... aka tomorrow! With this note I should probably say "a presto" and check out those ecosystem notes.
Luckily we won't have ecosystems for 2 weeks after that, Ricardo is in Germany for that time. Free tuesday/thursday nights hello!!

PS: In Noto, I could not contain myself when I saw a little vending machine that sold "Happy Feet" cell phone charms. Hello, LOVELACE:

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