Monday, March 10, 2008


Halli Hallo!
I have survived my munich trip and made it back to Siracusa safely, with 4 (!) cans of Molke in my backback, two stress pimples, sans many hours of sleep but overall in good condition, only to find out that monday was - in fact - not a free day. MIST! That means that I'll have to read for Lit + Cult in addition to preparing for midterms....yehaw!
Me being me I of course got lost after getting into the wrong Bus in Siracuse going to Catania and ended up in downtown Catania instead of the Airport outside the city.... ( I also just used the words 'me' and 'I' three times in the first four words of my sentence - wow). After walking two blocks, being disoriented in the train station, I finally made my way to the ticket office to purchase a ticket for the shuttle bus, ran around and asked two busdrivers where that shuttle was, and then made it on there. Though traffic in Catania was horrible, I made it to the airport at 11:25 instead of 10... oh well. Getting into the plane everything went smooth and before I knew it I was watching Tom and Jerry and eating antipasti "airplane style". A hop and a skip and the Alps later, I was already in Munich. Lena and Andre, her boyfriend picked me up and found me immediately. They are remarkably similar in both dialect and looks *g*. Anne also picked me up and all was good, we headed into the city.
We wandered around the Marienplatz, got some coffee and cake at the Galleria (Leberkaeswecken in Anne's case) and received flowers in honorof the Fuenf Hoefe's 5th anniversary.
My quest to eat a Weisswurst failed, they are only served until 4 pm... damn. Oh well, I had an Aloisius Teller instead, mit Spiegelei, Leberkaes, und Kartoffelsalat! Leckerrr! After that (we had met up with Lena's friend Aline and Anne's friend Claudia) we ended up at a Bar. The first Bar was too crowded, the second demanded a 1 Euro smoker fee. As in, we'd pay 1 Euro to join the smoker's club, because normally you're not allowed to smoke in bars. If it's a closed company, then yes. We laughed and left. The bar we ended up at was nice and not too busy. We had a good time and left at 2.30 to catch the nightbus back to Anne's apartment. The cutest and cuddliest cat ever lives there! After a short night of 3.5 hours, I made it without complications to the subway and the train station. A coffee and Brezel later I was in the regional train, changed trains in Buchloe, and ended up in Kempten. Opa (grandpa) picked me up and I spent the next day and a half eating non-stop. Overall good times. At the Mariaberg I had Spaetzle mit Hackbraten und Sosse, and a Holunderlimo to drink. Delish. Later in the afternoon I had coffee, giotto, and Kaesesahnetorte (2 pieces) as well as half a piece of Erdbeertorte. Tagesspiegel und LeuteHeute spaeter, it was time for Rehgulasch mit Bandnudeln und Blaukraut. I packed for sunday and then we watched Breakfast a Tiffany's. Overall good times. Got up at 5:30 again (grrrr never enough sleep), hopped on the train to Munich, the subway there, and then to the Airport. The flight was pleaseant but why why why does Lufthansa need to put butter on its sandwiches and why why why did the little boy in front of me get a Lufthansa gameboy and not I? Oh well. In catania I waited another 1 and a half hours until the interbus came. At home I was greeted with a very warm welcome <33 the roomies.

The No Angels will be representing Germany at the Grand Pri d'Eurovision. can the eastern European dominion be broken this year? We shall see.
Heide Simonis has abdicated because of the UNICEF donation scandals, German kids are tired because they now have to learn in 8 years what they had to learn in 9, and people are generally striking because they don't get paid enough. Amazing how I spent half of friday night explaining the American tertiary education system, and tried to convince my fellow Germans that I was not completely stupified yet. sigh. That's pretty much it.

Ew, I have no desire to go to class. yucky yuck.

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