Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ciao! Tschau!

Saturday, January xx

Hello kids,
I don't actually miss the internet (aka the responsibility to answer important emails, facebook [who cares about who updates whatever...], aim, the whole deal, etc.
I haven't actually signed up to get internet (arriving last minute when everyone had already left) so I need to sign up monday, before my placement test (arghhhx) and classes. Speaking of, here is my schedule:
Monday/Wednesday : Sicilian Literature and Culture 14:00-15:30
Greek Myth + Religion 15:30-17:00
Tuesday/Thursday : Advanced Italian 9:00-10:30
Art History and Archeology 10:30-12:00
Mediterranean Ecosystems 17:00 - 20:00


The tap water is the weirdest tap water ever tasted. It feels thick, and tastes somewhere inbetween sweet and salty. Hmmm.
We buy water (from Mount Etna) in 2l bottles, from the little store close to the school. Sometimes a bottle costs 40 cents, sometimes 35, depending on who sells it. That means that I usually spend 65 or 70 cents, having added a Kinder Milchschnitte. hehe.

Sicilian men are funny. As a woman, expect to be serenaded while walking down the street, and whistled at. We are attending a mandatory women's workshop on wednesday, to learn about how to behave around men here. We don't even need to try to befriend Sicilian women, who hate "easy" American women because their own men are so flirty.
Generally, we're not supposed to give out our numbers and take people to our apartments, they'll look around to see what we have, come back later, and clean out the place...

We went out last night, but after the loud, drunk, unclassy American group was turned away by two upscale bars (to be expected, some people in the group are so embarassingly ridiculous....) Stefania, Ashley and I left and later went to a Bar close to the Piazzo Duomo. Happy Hour was long gone, and we only stayed for one drink.
ohh well. Apparently the next "dance" club is 20 min away, by taxi.. bahhh

Today Stefania and I threw ourselves into the famous market and bought some fresh ciabatta for 50 cents, fruit, and tomatoes. hmmm. the fish stand was very promising, calamari, shrimp, octopus..... purchases will be made soon!

We went on a historical tour this morning also, and there is an archeological tour at 2.
Merrr, why did I sign up again?
Anyways, it's one, so there is time for a half hour nap, siesta!

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