Thursday, January 31, 2008


The wireless internet is not working, so actually only a total of 3 computers in our lab have internet..... grawr. I want to upload pictures, but I guess I'll have to wait.

At least we almost never have to sign in, so I guess getting 100 hours doesn't count.
Last night the group met for a program-organized fish dinner. We met at a hotel and were treated to a small presentation about fishing in Sicily. The first course - appetizer - was broiled anchovies with breadcrumbs, olive oil, lemon, and parsley. Then the first pasta dish followed, spaghetti with fresh tuna. Then we had spaghetti with mackerel caviar, followed by the next course, the entire mackarel (yes, we had to chop off the head, remove the spine, etc...) next to a piece of Tuna and a 'marmalade' of red onion - somewhat sweet but delicious with the pesce! The next course (yes, at that point I regretted the second helping of the first pasta dish) was another fish (don't remember the kind) stuffed with pecans, raisins, and breadcrumbs..... then - lo and behold - we finally had desert, lemon custard!

The dinner lasted 3 hours, and was very filling.
I decided to eat more fruit and veggies and less Kinder chocolate. Let's see how long I can hold up.

We also had a 'living in Syracuse' workshop, accompanied by 5 Italian students from the University of Catania, who filled us in on what to do and not to do - not to do: The lesbian bar 'Atrium', where most of the group got drunk the other night. A sketch place, apparently. I agree.

Tonight is the 'Women's Workshop' hahahaha. Yeah, do we need this? We will see. It is mandatory, and it cuts half an hour out of my ecosystems class, so I guess I'll go!

Speaking off, this is the verdict of the academic part of this program:

Art and Arch. in Sicily: Slide-tests? damn, I'm in Art History. The lectures are looong and friday fieldtrips take away from travel time.... but oh well. Susie is from Scotland.

Sicily Lit + Cult: Giovanna is really nice and I will learn interesting things.... nothing agains a good portion of liberal arts every once in a while!

Italian: I'm in advanced, with Brie (Garbriella) , Rachel (Raquelina), and Amanda (Amanducco). I'm Giulietta. Go figure. Together we're the Ragazzine, and Mario is our Professore. Good times, and many Italian hang man games. Hopefully, I'll improve my Italian conversation skillzz.

Ecosystems: with Ricardo, who has traveled the world and beyond. I'm not too sciency, but I guess it's useful stuff to know, if anyone ever needs ecological news about the mediterranean basin, I'll be your gal for that.

Greek Myth and Religion: very history-ish, and Michael likes to hear himself talk, which he does without taking breaks/breaths/etc. We also like to hear him talk in his smooth British accent, however. We'll see.

In any case, I won't worry about grades too much here, I decided, because they really don't count as long as I pass, and I'd rather have some local interactions and international affairs (kiddinggg) with the locals instead of being a study freak. Such as.... the soccer training Brie, Stefania and I are having with our neighborly new boyfriend, Manuele, who is 15.

Go us! Tomorrow is a day off (or wait... fieldtrip whaaat?) In anycase, we're going to th archaeological Park AGAIN (this time by bus, so it's not a 1 hour walk!) Going back, I might want to check out that shoe store with the SALDI, where I saw nice boots.... And walking hasn't killed anyone yet. I hate when people complain about anything here that's unamerican.... grawr... losers!

Saturday is the optional Catania fieldtrip (historical tour) where I will be onboard. The ladies and I booked a hostel to stay there for the night, since Catania is where the nightlife is at. That's right, people, no dancing in Siracusa.... bahh. Also, the Catania Soccer team is playing on Sunday, and we'll try to get tickets and immerse ourselves in the culture... Then we'll take the Bus back, on Sunday. This will be a good practice, because to fly out of the citta, we'll need to make it to Catania anyways.

I decided to not spend much money on weekend trips (we have a lot of activities that are program inclusive on weekends, fieldtrips, etc) and save money for spring break... Don't know yet where to, but it should be a city, somewhere I haven't been.... I have a few ideas.

Anyways, that's it for now, pictures will be up when the wireless is fixed!
Ciao a tutti!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


this is how we do it!


cha bang

Sunday, January....

Ciao cari amici!

We slept in today, and it's really hard to leave a warm bed when the apartment is molto freddo! We had some heater issues (related to the flames -we thought it would explode!) Anyways, when we ran into Liam, one of the housing guys, this morning, he promised to stop by and take a look. As it turned out, everything was fine.
So now we have heat, YAY!
We had lunch at a little panini and gelato place, and I ordered a calzone filled with tomatoes, cheese, and eggplant!I also had a Happy Hippo with it. I had no problem ordering, and that felt really good. I mean, I get by, I really do, and I understand more than I would have thought (Sicilians speak slowly and draw out their words!)
Then I got some postcards, and found some cute potential gifts for certain people!
Anyways, Brie made some sausage with lemons, very good.
Classes start tomorrow, placement test at 9:30, then from 2-5. Oma and Opa called today :)
OK, the roomers are getting readay to go out, and I shall go with.
Ciao, baci e abbracci!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ciao! Tschau!

Saturday, January xx

Hello kids,
I don't actually miss the internet (aka the responsibility to answer important emails, facebook [who cares about who updates whatever...], aim, the whole deal, etc.
I haven't actually signed up to get internet (arriving last minute when everyone had already left) so I need to sign up monday, before my placement test (arghhhx) and classes. Speaking of, here is my schedule:
Monday/Wednesday : Sicilian Literature and Culture 14:00-15:30
Greek Myth + Religion 15:30-17:00
Tuesday/Thursday : Advanced Italian 9:00-10:30
Art History and Archeology 10:30-12:00
Mediterranean Ecosystems 17:00 - 20:00


The tap water is the weirdest tap water ever tasted. It feels thick, and tastes somewhere inbetween sweet and salty. Hmmm.
We buy water (from Mount Etna) in 2l bottles, from the little store close to the school. Sometimes a bottle costs 40 cents, sometimes 35, depending on who sells it. That means that I usually spend 65 or 70 cents, having added a Kinder Milchschnitte. hehe.

Sicilian men are funny. As a woman, expect to be serenaded while walking down the street, and whistled at. We are attending a mandatory women's workshop on wednesday, to learn about how to behave around men here. We don't even need to try to befriend Sicilian women, who hate "easy" American women because their own men are so flirty.
Generally, we're not supposed to give out our numbers and take people to our apartments, they'll look around to see what we have, come back later, and clean out the place...

We went out last night, but after the loud, drunk, unclassy American group was turned away by two upscale bars (to be expected, some people in the group are so embarassingly ridiculous....) Stefania, Ashley and I left and later went to a Bar close to the Piazzo Duomo. Happy Hour was long gone, and we only stayed for one drink.
ohh well. Apparently the next "dance" club is 20 min away, by taxi.. bahhh

Today Stefania and I threw ourselves into the famous market and bought some fresh ciabatta for 50 cents, fruit, and tomatoes. hmmm. the fish stand was very promising, calamari, shrimp, octopus..... purchases will be made soon!

We went on a historical tour this morning also, and there is an archeological tour at 2.
Merrr, why did I sign up again?
Anyways, it's one, so there is time for a half hour nap, siesta!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sono arrivata!

I have arrived in Sicily - safe and sound!
The apartment is amazing - better than I hoped for..... pictures will be posted soon!
The island is beautiful and various Kinder chocolate products have been purchased. Unfortunately, the Internet is limited, so this is the best way to stay in touch!
Q: How can we hack the Zone system on our dvd player?
The roommate all seem very nice, and I'm sure we'll get along!
Italian driving is crazy! I feared for my life several times en route Catania - Siracusa! It's pretty much 'drive on top of the person in front of you' but they are pretty good at stopping at the last second and squeezing by 3 cars on a two lane street. The island is so small, we're often lucky to have a one foot wide sidewalk and sometimes the streets are so narrow that there is not enough room for a person and a car! There is an Esprit store on the island and an 'Eurospar' on the mainland :D Shopping soon!

OK, off to the second part of the orientation!