Monday, November 3, 2008

Adventures riding the Bus

Let me say this first and foremost:
I am a European and henceforth not afraid to ride the fucking bus! (Although, I am sometimes afraid of walking home from the bus stop to my apt at night - it's dark and creepy, and I live in Dirty Dover, not Canada!)
So I don't understand why people give me looks of pity when I mention that I survive very well without driving to school. I usually don't get around to telling people that I have the soccer-mo(m)bile in my parking spot at home. It probably is driven 5 miles a week: To and from Market Basket/Walmart and to and from the laundry center.

Gas prices might be down, that doesn't mean I want to pay to drive ... :P

So anyways, I'm on a pretty regular bus schedule, and - to no surprise - certain other people are on MY regular bus schedule, too:

The screaming Chinese girl:
sCg is always, ALWAYS, on the phone while riding 3A/3B. Her conversations seem to be of the utmost importance, because they obviously can't wait until the bus ride is over. Her convos are in CHINESE. That means we are treated to a high pitched loud yell-a-palooza for ~25 min, twice a day if we're lucky. Groan!
Plus, the other day, yelling was clearly not enough. She started talking with her hands, pointing her index finger at some invisible object/person.

Waldo: Waldo is a small, slight, prim & proper young man characterized by his red scarf and nasal voice. He always sits with perfect posture and sometimes tells random people (who clearly don't know him) random anecdotes about his life, such as about the time he waited in line for an hour to register to vote in Durham, only to be told that he can't since he lives in Dover.

The Diningman: He's a little on the slow side of life, but will not hesitate to tell you his life story if you seem interested (or not). He will also tell you that being single is good too, "because you can have a lot of fun with just yourself" (uhmmmmm) and he will also tell you about his brother and the yellow Mazda protege he drives, the only one of his kind on campus!

The angry German listening her ipod: That's me.

There are more personalities, such as Busboy, who is quite crush-worthy but has only been on my bus 2 times...

I will update the list, but right now I feel guilty for not reviewing my QDM notes/prepping for the review class tomorrow.


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