Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sono Tornata....

I'm back in the good old US of A, and over my initial reverse culture shock (experienced at UNH especially).....
so yeah.
This campus is full of immature annoying people, lots of freshmen, and lots of slutty people (of both genders, mind you). I shouldn't rant but still...
I also met some awesome new people since being back, which I'm glad about since some bridges needed to be burnt when I left last December.
I live in Dover in a cute-as-hell apartment with a chill roommate Christina, and a neurotic cat, Micky.
Micky is complaining right now too, but that's because the weather in New England is extremely shitty this weekend, it's been pouring. He wants to go out in theory, but after 2 seconds in the rain, he wants to be back in.
It's saturday night and after a three hour nap I miraculously almost recovered from my cold. A good thing except that I am bored now but I can't reach anyone/no one wants to go out. Not that I even should go out, I need to recover. Bah.
My date for the night might just be Will Smith in "I am Legend." He is alone and has a dog, I am alone and have a cat. Which just left me (after pushing my camera off the desk) to go outside.
I'm not as unpopular as one might assume, I have an invite for a party tonight, but I need a side-chick to go with me, since I know about one person there.
So yeah, it's only 8:14 now, I'll decide later what ends up happening. So yeah.

My Plan for the Future:

1) Be frugal/Save $$
2) Establish a Savings Account
3) Get an Internship for Credit next semester, preferably in Boston.
4) Work Out

That's it, hopefully my next post will be more cheerful!